Well, it's Friday night, and I don't have a sermon yet.....I really need to stop doing this....
If you have been following Cindy's blog, you may know that we have gotten a building. The bowling alley from several months ago has come through. We have an agreement in principle, but are still trying to work out the details of the lease. As soon as we get this thing signed (hopefully next week), we can get in and start the build out. I can't wait for that to start. I hoping that it will be a "bonding" experience for the church.
Last Sunday's service was loads of fun. The Democrats showed up again. This time they were doing a rally in the park. About 2,000 of them came at about 8:30 and filled the place up. It looked like the fourth of July (thank you park district for the heads up...not). They were still going strong at 10:00 when our service was to start. Needless to say, we had no parking so our people had to walk several blocks to get to church. Half the church was not there when worship started, and the other half was too tired (that's the excuse that I'm using) to actually do anything. Worship was dead. Really dead.
I'm starting to believe that our time at the park has come to an end (I keep hearing "God has left the building" in the back of my head). We are getting a lot of encouragement from people (both here and in Georgia) that things will get better once we get out. I'm praying it does. I'm not sure how many more days like last Sunday I can take.