Wednesday, December 31, 2003

It's New Years....So it must be time for resolutions....

I resolve to attempt to blog more often (please, pick yourself off the floor and stop laughing...Sorry Jen if I scared Lucca).

No, seriously, I want to try and do this a little more often. It is my hope that in the upcoming year, this spot will be a place for my general ranting's, mumbling's and other odd thoughts. I want to write about ideas that are more then just spiritual or church related, but also may be political and social. With that said, please remember that I too am only human (I know Cindy, hard to believe), and that some of my ideas (ok, most of my ideas) may be off kilter just a bit. All I ask for is a little grace now and then.

I have finally updated most of my links (so that they go to the right place!) Here is a quick rundown of who everyone is:

Cindy Holda - That's my wife...Interesting thoughts about life as a pastors wife.
Jen Fleming - Cindy's Sister...Interesting thoughts of someone living in the middle of the post modern world...Fair warning, this site could be raw!
Jordon Cooper - Pastor in Saskatchewan - great post modern thinker...Probably one of the greatest blogs in the entire blog universe.
Mark Priddy - Good thinker on what Christian community is about. He started, and is currently involved with an organization called Allelon.
Mark Riddle - Radical thinker on what the church, especially youth, should look like. Can be raw, but he will really make you think (and laugh).
Todd Hunter - Old AVC head, now on staff at Allelon. He has had some of the greatest influence on my thinking on what it means to be a follower of the Way.
Winn Girffin - Dr Winn...Old Vineyard theologian...Now with Allelon. He will make you think.
The Ooze - Great website for post modern Christian thought.
Vineyard - DeKalb Blog - This is new...An area for discussion and thought within the Vineyard DeKalb community.
Vineyard - DeKalb - The church's website.
VCF - NW Georgia - My sending church...It's always good to stay close to family.
Vineyard USA - Ma Vineyard

Look for more stuff to be added in the future.

If I don't blog before then, have a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ok, Ok, so it's been awhile since my last blog (thanks for the friendly reminders Jen!). You know, I find it utterly incredible that I seemed to have more time to blog when I had a 9 to 5 job. I'm not sure if that means that I was better at time management while working or that I just was a slacker...Go figure.

Not too much new going on these days. Still trying to get into a new building...still trying to learn how to be a pastor...still trying to keep sane! I'm planning to post a little more often then before promises!! :)