Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's 10:35 on Saturday night. I have finally finished my sermon (I may modify in the morning). I'm not preaching on anything that I planned on preaching on yesterday (go figure!).
I spent most of today in training for Scouts. For those of you who don't know, I am a Webelos den leader for Nathan and the assistant den leader (wolves) for Ben. I got frustrated today because I was hoping for more meat then what I got during training. The entire time today I was freaking out that I wasn't going to get my stuff done. I was hoping for more meat to make it worth while. Oh well, I'm I guess I can stop freaking out!

We're going to go and look for a house tomorrow....I hope we actually find something.

I'm so tired right now I doubt I'm making any sense! I'm going home and try to get some sleep!

Friday, November 11, 2005

My oh's been two months since I last posted! I'm looking around my blog and it's kinda dusty around here...I think I need to change some stuff....

So, it's Friday (supposedly my day off) and I have been sitting at my desk all day, trying to write a sermon. There must be a better way to do this. I started in John, but didn't like it, went to Jude, now I'm in 1 Peter. I think I'm going to do a series...I need a break from being creative for a few weeks.

Jordon Cooper made a comment in his blog sometime in the past week about how blogging has become a hobby for him. Perhaps I need to look at this as the same.....

This place is getting dusty and stale, perhaps I need to shake it up a bit....