Monday, March 20, 2006

Wow...I've posted

Originally uploaded by jhholda.
For all those who have been bugging me (and you know who you are)...I have finally posted.

By the way, I have opened up a flickr account. Check out our trip to the flower show.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Re-Thinking Church

I want to start a discussion on re-thinking what church is....what is should look like. Before we start, read this:

(Don't worry, I'll wait........I'll just sit here and play solitaire.......)


(black nine on red ten....Oh good, your back.)

So, this really got me thinking. We have a very interesting fellowship when it comes to schedules. Although we have some 9-5er's in our group, we also have a bunch of people with conflicting schedules. We have firemen, nurses, students (with families (eg. parents) in other towns), food service and retail employees, as well as a whole bunch of people whose job's make evenings and weekends a challenge. So, how do these people become apart of the fellowship? We have some people who only show up on Sunday's once a month or so (due to work).

Traditionally, they might be considered back sliders, yet I know they are dedicated Christians, and they are dedicated to this fellowship. So, how do we minister to this group and what do we do to allow them to feel (as well as be) active members of the community.

The knee jerk response is podcasts, but I think that is more of a tool then a solution. There is more to church then just my sermon. Church is supposed to be about relationship...relationship to Jesus, and relationship to each other (remember the creed, Love God, Love People). So what do we do?

This is where the conversation needs to begin. I know that there are a bunch of you out there (I can see you on the map to the right). Some of you who read this have jobs or lives that make Sunday morning or some weeknight difficult. What could make a community.

I think Jordon's idea's are a good start. Perhaps we should start Podcasting everything. Perhaps the website needs to be more of a forum and less of a brochure. Perhaps we need to figure out how to make the church more accessible for people to come to for quiet time with God, or to meet others. But how should it look? What would you use? What would you want?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Jack Bauer School of Ministry

Found this on Brian Eberly's blog while surfing....just too funny (and somewhat true)....

Because of my love for youth ministry, and my appreciation for Jack Bauer saving America from all the terrorist out to get us, I post the following from Mark Helsel's blog.

Top 10 things that I have learned about ministry from the show 24!

10. Thoroughly background check the people that you hire especially the executive pastor. How many moles can one place hire, tighten up CTU!

9. Have the latest smart phone. You never know when you will have to send skematics of the new sanctuary to the local zoning board or a teens picture to the police.

8. Computer geeks are essential. Every church needs an Edgar (R.I.P) to stop the meltdown of nuclear reactors or make sure the church newsletter gets e-mailed to the congregation.

7. If you ever need to get teenagers to listen to you at youth group just scream "Federal Agent, let me see your hands!"

6. Breaking protocol is a good thing. It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

5. Bad things happen when the main guys daughter is around. See Kim Bauer!

4. Every ministry needs a socially awkward employee or volunteer like Chloe. This person will typically be in the financial department or nursery.

3. Head pastors are like Presidents you either get a great one like President Palmer or a toal weiner like President Logan.

2. If you need information there is no better way than torture. Can I get an amen! Don't you wish you had a Jack Bauer around when someone comes up to you and says "Some people are saying...but I can't tell you who they are!"

1. How can things go so wrong in just 24 hours? Is Jack on a perpetual middle school overnighter?