It's Friday night and it's snowing....again. This has been one crazy winter. Yesterday it was 50, today we have 50mph winds and snow. Have I ever mentioned how much I love the Midwest.
Cindy is in Puerto Rico. Emily is with her as well. They has been there since Tuesday, and won't be back till next Tuesday. I hate it when she is gone. I miss her a lot. I tend not to sleep well when she is gone and this week is no exception. Last night I stayed up watching bad TV (Die Hard part XXVII)....what a waste. I've talked to her everyday that she has been gone and she is doing well. They have done a lot of servant evangelism and had some chances to do some personal ministry. She said that they had a healing last night....pretty cool. They are supposed to be spending tomorrow in prophetic ministry teams...should be fun. I can't wait to get the report.
The city this week bought a lot of properties in the downtown area. They are going to demolish the buildings on them and hope someone buys them for redevelopment. Our building is slated to be redeveloped in the grand scheme of things. It was my hope to buy it one day, but now I wonder if that will ever happen. We are late on rent....and my gut now says that the property value of the area is about to increase. I'm not sure what the future holds for us as a church. I know for certain that we will ride this out, that the church will survive even if it means that we need to be in a different location or form. I'm OK with that. I just wish I had a better leadership structure within the church to survive this.
We've started the membership classes. I met with the small group leaders and will be going to the small groups starting next Wednesday. I'm sensing that the leadership structure of the church is going to be driven by the small group leaders. I've always thought that we would do some kind of hybrid of the Vineyard Central model....perhaps we are going to look more like them then I first anticipated.
Cindy and I are talking about starting Alpha up again. Some of our videos are missing at the church. I know that they have new versions of the videos (a shorter version) but I wonder if they are truly new versions or if they are just the old version re-edited (if there is anyone out there who knows, please let me know). I really don't want to teach this live....but perhaps that is what I need to do. We wanted to do it in a small group format....I'm not sure how live teaching will work....especially with the discussions afterwards.....perhaps I'll have to tweak it a bit.
I've spent most of this week doing school with the kids and loading songs on my iPod. Almost have 18 gigs loaded and I know I have more stuff somewhere. Ryan gave me a hard time about getting the 80 gig version. He said that I would never fill it. Almost to 18 gigs so far and no video on the thing. Gee, I hope 80 gig was enough....I am such a geek.
One final thought, Kathy O is going in for surgery on Wednesday. They found cancer in her thyroid. The doctors think they got to it early enough, but cancer is still cancer. Pray for her. This is the second thyroid issue we have had at the church since Christmas. Kinda odd considering that there are only 100 of us. Please remember her. If you are around the building on Wednesday morning at 7:00am, show up for prayer. Kathy will be there and we will pray for her before she goes to the hospital.
Enough for tonight....there's got to be a bad movie on TV somewhere...