I started this blog seventeen years ago - May 7, 2003. It's hard to believe that it's been that long. I was 34 years old and Cindy and I just moved back to Illinois to plant a church - or so we thought. Back then, blogging was the hip and cool thing to do and every Gen X church planter that I knew did it. It was the way we shared ideas and had conversations. We knew that we were entering into the unknown. We kept hearing about post-modernism and how it would affect the church. We wanted to wrestle with the unknown and see where God would take us.
That was 195 posts ago. Most of those early bloggers are long gone. We don't wrestle with issues using long form prose any more, nor do we debate. Instead, we throw out sound bites or snarky one-liners and expect it to somehow change the world. It would be easy to complain about how things have changed - but the reality is that when everyone else stopped writing, so did I. It's been two years since I wrote last - and that was only a one and done. In reality, it's been almost eight years since I wrote regularly.
I'm feeling it's time to dust off the keyboard and start writing again. The world feels like it's spinning out of control. I don't have the answers, but I feel like I want to be a part of the conversation. Seventeen years ago I started this blog with a single sentence. It feels appropriate to revisit where it all started.
So here it begins...again.