Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I started a series in Acts this week. I was praying about what I needed to preach, and foundational issues kept coming up. I preached on Sunday out of Acts 2…the unity section at the end of the chapter. It was an amazing time because I felt that my message was completely uninspiring. It felt incredibly dead. Fortunately, God showed up and people got affected during ministry time. The really funny part is that people have been calling me this week to tell me how much they liked my sermon…go figure!

Cindy and I started to change some stuff around during the service. We are trying to do this via little steps. This week, we moved the room around and took a coffee break between worship and the message. The break was funny. I have been in churches for years that do this, but this was their first time. People were a little uneasy at first, but they decided that they really liked it. I hope the same attitude occurs when we do other major changes.

We have been having power problems at the house for the last couple of weeks. It seems like anytime we are running a major appliance (air conditioning, dryer) and the water heater turns on, the mains in the house blow. I didn’t think much about it at first (other then to tell the landlord and hope he fixes it), but now I’m starting to wonder. The black out in the northeast got me wondering if this is prophetic somehow and the Lord is trying to tell me something. Not too sure about that, still praying. (btw…Rick Joiner has some interesting thoughts on that).

Oh well…more later…

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