Friday, August 04, 2006

Really tired

I'm really tired these days. I should be working on a sermon for Sunday, but I just don't have the energy....I'm feeling run down. It's been awhile since I wrote anything original on this blog. I just have not had the energy to do it. I had to put my mom in the same wing of the nursing home as my dad eariler this week. Over the last few weeks she has developed dementia as well. There are a lot of reasons why this happened, none of which really matter. The nurse told me today that it is incredibly rare for a person to develop dementia as quickly as my parents did, so rare that she could not even imagine the odds that both would develop it at the same time. That would be my parents...always going after the long shot.

Some one last week told me that the Lord never gives us more then we can just seems at times he trusts us more then we want to be trusted. I'm assuming this is one of those times. I feel like the stress of this all should be getting to me. That I should be more emotional or upset or freaking out or something. But I'm not. I'm just trying to get everything done. I'm guessing it will all hit me later. Right now, I'm just really tired...

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