Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year

It is 2007, and it's time to start talking about want I want to do differently this year. Like usual, I'm hoping to blog more this year then in the past. I seem to get a good start going but then things happen, I get busy, I forget what I want to say, then six months go by...ugh. I also want to journal more this year. I went out yesterday and got a new Moleskine with the hope that it would motivate me to fill it up...time will tell. I also want to spend more time in my office. This may seem silly, but I've been hiding from it over the past few months. All the junk gong on at the church, all the financial issues, all the everything, I just did not want to go in. I tended to do all my work and study from my house.

This is going to be a good year, there is so much going on right now, and I am feeling very optimistic. Things are changing at the church, we are tweaking things, we are moving things, we are changing out methodology. Finally, it feels like we are going to do the things that we were called to do three years ago. I'm hoping to talk about some of this in future posts, because I really need to work out some of these ideas...stuff on community and what it means, stuff on alt.worship and prayer, stuff on know, stuff.

Enough of my babbling....Happy New's to the end of 2006 and a better 2007.

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