Monday, August 25, 2008

Duch Sheets on Lakeland

Interesting comment's from a Dutch Sheets article on Lakeland:

These things were frightening, very frightening, to others and me.
When something has the potential of setting precedent, birthing a
movement and being reproduced as a prototype, we are no longer
simply endorsing good brothers, good intentions and miracles.
Doctrine and foundations will be built on these events. Teachings
and paradigms for future ministries will be formed-in short, the
next generation of the church and the move of God in the earth
could be greatly impacted. This is why I stopped short of endorsing
everything at Lakeland. Just as importantly, I could not ignore the
"check", the uneasiness, the sickening feeling deep in my spirit
telling me something else was wrong-terribly wrong-in this
situation. Like other leaders I tried to push past my uneasiness
with the showmanship, the "bams," the head butts and kneeing,
along with certain experiences and doctrines, all in order to
embrace the good. Like many of my friends I tried to be-and
believe I was-gracious, accepting, ready to think "out of the box",
etc.. But try as I may, the uneasiness in my spirit just wouldn't leave.
I haven't really followed Dutch much in the past several years other then knowing he is involved in putting on The Call and writting a book on intercession.

There is some really good insight in this article, things that as leaders we need to take heed of. I am curious to see how this all shakes out over the next few months. My prayer is that people step up and take responsibility, that they would repent for knowing things were wrong and not doing anything about it. That is my prayer, but I am not optimistic. I have seen way too much spin in the past 20 years. I pray that this time is different.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cornfest '08

Well, I tried to put it off most of the weekend, but I finally took the kids to Cornfest. We missed the big corn give away yesterday and by the time we got there after church, it was almost over. This year they moved it to the airport since there is some construction downtown.

We got there in time to watch a B-17 bomber take off. It had been flying over our house all weekend (you can't miss the noise...made me wonder what it would have been like to have a squadron of them fly over your town in WW II. I would be pretty terrified!) and it was pretty impressive up close. We walked over to the midway and walked through most of the booths. All the same vendors were there as last year. When it is downtown it feel like you are a part of something. At the airport it felt pretty lame (Emily agreed with this observation!).

The main stage was much larger then usual and Travis Tritt was preforming when we were there (I would have never know if it wasn't for the fact I needed to go the the Cornfest website to steal the above graphic!) We then went to the midway and dropped $20 for the four of them to ride one ride. They were upset that I didn't have more money but got over it fast when they found that the bouncy things were free.

One hour later, we were on our way home. They are supposed to do it again next year at the airport again because of construction. I hope they bring it back downtown after that. Community festivals are supposed to be in the community.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hope spring eternal.

Here are highlights from today's Newcastle v Bolton game. Check out Given's save at the 1:20 point. Incredible! Last year that would have gone in and the lad's would have fallen apart (especially since they were not playing that well up to that point). But not this year! First a tie at Old Trafford, then a fantastic save on a penalty shot, then Owen back to form. I realize that we are only two games into the season but could it be??? I'm just saying....might this just be....

A 1 to 0 kind a week

I have watched a lot of football this week. Both the women's and men's Olympic gold medal rounds, the Guatemala v. US World Cup qualifier, L.A. v. Fire game and the Newcastle v. Bolton game. Amazingly, all the games ended 1 - 0 for the team I was rooting for. All the games were in question till the end when a goal was miraculously scored. The teams that I was rooting for seemed to be stuck in the mud for most of the game. Either they were being outplayed for the majority of the game (all three national games), or they just didn't seem to have what it took to break the deadlock (both club games). But the old saying turned out to be ain't over till it's over.

Perhaps that is something that I need to remember. This has been a difficult year. At times I have felt like I was being "outplayed" but the events around me. At other times I just didn't feel like I had what it takes to break out of the deadlock. But there is still time on the clock...

It ain't over till it's over...

I'm back

I feel like it is time to start writing again. I've been thinking about revamping this blog a bit for the past year now. I have two passions in life and I want to write about them. First, I am passionate about Jesus. For the past five plus years I have been writing on this blog (on and off) about him, the church, and my own spiritual journey. I really don't want to stop that. The other thing that I am passionate about is football (soccer for most of my friends). I thought about creating a second blog to discuss football, but life is a holistic kinda thing. I preach about living your faith 24/7. So why can't I write about things of faith and things of football at the same time.

I really don't know how this is all going to work out, or even if it will ever make any sense. One thing that I am pretty certain about...I don't think anyone else out there is do this.

So, grab a cup of coffee and hold on might actually get interesting around here.