Saturday, August 23, 2008

A 1 to 0 kind a week

I have watched a lot of football this week. Both the women's and men's Olympic gold medal rounds, the Guatemala v. US World Cup qualifier, L.A. v. Fire game and the Newcastle v. Bolton game. Amazingly, all the games ended 1 - 0 for the team I was rooting for. All the games were in question till the end when a goal was miraculously scored. The teams that I was rooting for seemed to be stuck in the mud for most of the game. Either they were being outplayed for the majority of the game (all three national games), or they just didn't seem to have what it took to break the deadlock (both club games). But the old saying turned out to be ain't over till it's over.

Perhaps that is something that I need to remember. This has been a difficult year. At times I have felt like I was being "outplayed" but the events around me. At other times I just didn't feel like I had what it takes to break out of the deadlock. But there is still time on the clock...

It ain't over till it's over...

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