Sunday, June 07, 2009

Thought's before I preach.

Worship is going on right now. I'm in the sound booth...some thoughts....

It was never about the temple....if it was Jesus would have spent more time there. He would have brought reform instead of tearing it down.

It was never about the tabernacle....if it was Jesus would have taught us how to reconstruct it.

It was never about the service....if it was Jesus would have given us a liturgy.

It was never about the songs....if it was Jesus would have given us a book of Psalms.

It was about LOVE....that is what Jesus gave us. And that is what we are supposed to do. It is not about the ceremony, it is not about what we do, how we act, if we dance, clap, raise our hands or even sing...all that is more about us and less about God...instead, it's about how we God and to each other. Isn't that what Jesus did. Isn't that true worship? True worship is not what we do in the church, it is what we do outside of the church.

Just some thoughts...

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