Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Saturday!

Looking to be a crazy day today.  My sermon is done but I haven't started my Grow Questions yet.  One of these days I'm going to figure out how do to these quicker!  We still need to get the bulletin done and it looks like I may be leading worship tomorrow - Cindy's voice has not healed fully yet and James is out of town tomorrow (have mercy one me!) so I need to put a set together.  After that, Cindy needs to get prepared for a wedding that she is doing tomorrow (printing out her book, preparing the certificate).  We also want to get hair-cuts sometime today, run up to Rockford for the wedding rehearsal (I may need to be her backup if her voice fails), drop off the sound equipment with someone for setup tonight, stop by Cody's graduation party and, oh yeah, we have a Fire game tonight.  Just another nice quiet Saturday!

For all you Cubs fans out there, here is an interesting article from John Armstrong regarding Wrigley Field.  I know that you will read this and just say it's another Cubbie Hater (and then you will say I am one too for posting the article) but I can't really disagree with him.  I know that there is some kind of nostalgia about the place, but it let's be real - the parking stinks, the sight lines stink (especially if you are behind a post), the bathrooms still stink, and the place feels cramped.  Oh, and as a neutral (and I really do believe that I am a neutral), I have never gone to a game at Wrigley and have had a good conversation with someone there about baseball.  I've done this at other parks across the nation (Milwaukee, Atlanta, Cleveland, Detroit and US. Cellular - plus numerous other Minor League parks) but never in Wrigley (I've been there more times then I can count).  Instead it always seems hostile if you are not a Cubs fan (even to neutrals).  I just don't get it.

My wife and oldest son are Cub's fans, so I go for them (and I keep my mouth shut for them).  I actually ignore the cross town classic to keep peace in the house.  But if you were to ask me where I would love to see a baseball game - it would not be Wrigley (to be honest, out of all the ball parks I have been to, I really liked Turner Field).

Now back to our previously scheduled Saturday already in progress......

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