Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's time....

It's been a long time since I wrote here with any consistency.  I have excuses and some are quite good.  But if truth be told, I had nothing to say.  It felt like the spigot got turned off a few years back.  On one hand, I really missed writing here.  But on the other, I didn't have the energy (or the ambition) to actually write.  Well, the times, they seem to be a changing.  The spigot may be starting to open back up.

God has been up to a lot in my life over the past twelve months.  He has got me thinking about my relationship with Him, my relationship with the church, and my church's relationship with Him.  Quite frankly, it seems like it is time for things to be shook up a bit.

I started this blog back in 2003 to document my journey into church planting.  Almost nine years later I think it is time to start documenting this new journey that God has me on.  You might want to hold on tight, things could get bumpy around here.

1 comment:

Marty Boller said...

Hey Joe. CONGRATS! You're back....and I look forward to ALL God is saying to you & Cindy. Remember SMALL can be BIG in God's economy. GO MAN GO!