Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thoughts about the curse...

Interesting article over at Practical Theology for Women.  Wendy is discussing the popularity of the Twilight series and now the 50 Shades of Gray books.  This quote really got me:
After 3 waves of feminism, countless laws, and much education, there remain millions of women who'd run after the sulky vampire in their fantasies, choosing to suck blood for the rest of their lives rather than living in the light.
 I was writing last month about the concept of a more masculine Christianity.  One of the problems that I have with that concept is what I view as the embracing of the curse (something that I want to expand upon later.)   Wendy seems to see this as well, but of course from the other side.  It got me thinking about what exploitation looks like and how we just seem to think that it is a normal part of society.  More on this later.

1 comment:

Jon Davis Jr. said...

I went and read the article.

I think she makes some valid points. I think she is right about the popular "good girls wanting the bad boys thing" as well.

Although I think she missed it about the Twilight Saga.

I think that series is more about girls wanting super strong men who are kind and have good character. Edward, the male vampire, has higher morals than Bella, is very kind, and loves her and puts her first.

I see this more as a cry from the heart of a woman that the strong man would NOT be a "bad boy" but a loving and kind man of character who knows how to love selflessly.

The vampire thing in that series is more about being super powerful and yet still being able to make right and good ethical choices.