Tuesday, November 06, 2012

So here it begins......

That was how I started this log back on May 7, 2003.  Hard to believe it's been nearly ten years.  I started to read "blogs" a few years earlier.  Cindy and I were preparing to plant a church and I was fascinated by some of the changes that were occurring the "emerging" church.  Old models seemed to passing and new models were being tested.  People were trying new things and they were blogging about it.  I read Jordon Cooper, Andrew JonesJonny Baker and many more like them.  These blogs weren't just about idle thoughts, they were stories from the front line.  People would write about everything that they were trying - what was working, what wasn't and what God seemed to be doing.  The pioneers were out attempting new stuff and writing about it.

It was in that environment that I started this blog.  I wrote this on May 8, 2003:
I thought I would start this blog to attempt to keep track of the trials and tribulations in the planting of a church. I hope that in time, this little bog will turn into God’s story of what he is doing with us, as well as miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings on what it means to be a Christ follower in the 21st century. Idle thoughts about community, leadership, church and relationships are sure to be plentiful.

And that was the goal.

Blogging has changed over the years.  I follow nearly 100 church related blogs.  Every morning I get up, do my quiet time, make coffee and then turn on my computer.  I do a quick check of e-mail and facebook, then I go to Google Reader to see what is new.  I've been doing this same routine for a decade and today it hit me, nothing is new.

Blogging has transformed into something ugly.  Very few people are telling stories of what thy are trying any more.  Instead, we either blog to build ourselves up or tear each other down.  Most of my reading this morning either explained to me why the blogger had the greatest thing that I needed to join, buy, attend or vote for (usually in five easy steps) or why someone else thing was crap (that is putting it mildly.)  The internet has become a dangerous place to think out loud lest someone label you a heretic or worse.  I've seen it happen to some of the people I follow and I have experienced it to a lessor extent as well.  Toe the line or else someone will beat you into submission - and the church (local and global) has suffered for it.

So here is what I'm going to propose.  First, I'm going to clean up my reading list.  I'm going to stop reading those who tear down and start reading those who are actually doing something.  Secondly, I'm going to start being a bit more honest here.  What am I doing, what is working, what isn't and most importantly, what does it mean in my life to be a follower of Christ in the 21st century.  What do I have to do or change personally to do it.  Thirdly, I'm going to try to not be a part of the problem.  I will try to build up, not tear down.  I will try to lower the volume of hateful criticism by not participating in it.  I still will read, I still will review books and such, but I will attempt to do it showing the love of Christ in such a way that is not destructive to the body of Christ.

I don't know what this will look like and I don't know what the future will hold.  I realize that in comparison to others, my little blog is insignificant.  But as Junior Asparagus says: "little guys can do big things too."  I'll end today with the same way I ended on May 8, 2003:
So as the title of the blog goes, feel free to sit back and enjoy a cup a joe with me while, with the help of the Holy Sprint, we stumble through this thing called life. Enjoy!

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