It’s New Years which means that once again, I am “resolving” to blog more. But this year it is going to be different. No more “resolutions”. Who actually does “resolutions” anyways? Cindy says that “resolutions” are the things that you stop doing by February. So, I “resolve” not to “resolve” this year. Instead, I’m going to set some goals.
I once heard Dee Dukes say (ok – I heard him three times say this – I’m a little slow at times) that if you want to achieve a goal, you need to write it down and share it with others. I spent some time this morning writing these down in my fancy new Moleskine. But no one other than me sees my Moleskine (and sometimes I can’t even read my own writing!), so I want to put it in ink (electrons?) here and share it with whomever still reads this thing.
1) I want to get healthier this year. Not just go on a diet, but actually start getting healthier. A couple of years ago, Cindy and I did this Dr Oz thing. We cut out High Fructose Corn Syrup, all soda and all white enriched grains (white flour, white rice) and started to eat more whole grains and organic stuff. Amazingly, we lost a lot of weight and started to actually feel better. We fell off that wagon after about nine months and we both feel like it is time to get back on. I also want to start working out again, but I’m not sure how. I’m having some feet and knee problems, so running is out and I’m too poor (ok- cheep) to join a gym or the “Y”. I think I’m going to start waking – although I’m not sure how or when (yes, I still know how to walk – but as the song goes, “baby its cold outside.”) I’m thinking about waling around the worship center – although I need to figure out the distance on that (x laps = 1 mile) – perhaps that is a future math / science project for the kids (isn’t Home Schooling grand?) But it’s not just eating and weight, I want to start taking better care of myself. I’ve been feeling things more now that I’m in my 40’s and it’s starting to get me nervous. I want to be around for a bit longer and I would like to actually enjoy it. I’m not sure what that looks like or what I need to do differently, but I want to spend some time this year and figure it out.
2) I want to read more. I used to be an avid reader. I still have my moments, but I have noticed over the past couple of years that I am reading less and less. I really believe that this has had an adverse effect on me. I am not getting into the word as much as I used to. I am not engaging my brain in theological thought as much as I used to. And I am not exposing myself to good writing as much as I used to. All this could help to explain why I have felt like I’m having vision issues. So, I want to read more – a few books a week. Of course, to do this I will need to restructure a good chunk of my life (hey, this is where that healthy thing comes in!). I’m going to try to keep track of what I am reading here, as well as give some thoughts about each book (somewhat of an accountability thing).
3) I want to write more. I love to write - although looking at this blog, you would never believe it. I do my best thinking while I am writing. I actually feel better after I write! I have a dream of one day actually writing a book. Of course, to do this I need to write something (interesting how that works – being a writer means that I have to write something). So, I want to commit to increased journaling and blogging. Once again, this blog should be a good barometer of that.
4) My fourth goal is all about Cindy and my marriage and relationship with her. I really don’t want to go into detail here other then to say I want to be a better husband and have a better marriage (not that it is currently bad, I just want it to be better – I’m selfish that way.) I written about it in my journal and shared it with my wife. That should be enough.
Those are my personal goals for 2010. I will have some church goals later, but for now this seems like a good start.
Here’s hoping for a good 2010!
1 comment:
Happy New Year, Joe. I hope 2010 exceeds all expectations.
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