Well, it's been a while since I posted. I got distracted...stuff was going on...so yeah...
A lot has been happening over the past several days...it seems like the Lord is up to something. More on that later.
I said that I wanted to read more and write more this year. The writing has fallen off a bit, but I have been keeping up with the reading. Here are two books that I have recently finished.
Fathered By God: Learning what your father could never teach you - John Eldredge
Typical John Eldredge book in the vein of Wild at Heart. John writes about the six stages a man goes through to become what God has created him to be. This book seems like it would make an excellent follow up to Wild at Heart (and I think our men's group may do that later this spring.) The only issue that I have with it is that it gets somewhat stereotypical. Here's the problem - I really get the six stages and I fully agree with him that most men need to go through them (and deal with the issues that they present). However, do we all need to almost die climbing a mountain to fully be a man. John seems to live a life that most guys only dream about. I live in the prairies. The biggest mountain near us is the land fill....it's just not the same (although I could see possibly dying if I were to climb it, but for totally different reasons!) All in all, a decent book.
Sacred Sex: A Spiritual Celebration of Oneness in Marriage - Tim Gardner
Tim Gardner taught one of the CECL sessions that I was a part of last fall. Both Cindy and I were very impressed with him, so much so that we bought his book. I thoroughly enjoyed this book - the only trouble that I had is figuring out who to recommend it to. The book is written to married couples, and it would be a valuable resource to them. As I started to read this it hit me that engaged couples would benefit from it. Then I started to think of some single people...
Tim approaches sex (and marriage) through the concept of oneness ("and the two shall become one"). Sex (and marriage) is designed to be just that - where a man and women come together and become one - thereby demonstrating the image of God. This is a deep concept that is difficult at times to get your head around. However, it is very biblical concept - and one that I fully believe would lead to healthier marriages, as well as healthier relationship between men and women - perhaps we would begin to understand each other better and embrace the differences between us instead of allowing them to be points of conflicts. Excellent book - and I highly recommend it.
There are two other books that I have finished since the first of the year, but it is getting late - more later.
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